Audit and Review
The Hallmark of quality!
It has been compulsory since 1st January 2008 for all auditors to be licensed by the Federal Audit Oversight Authority.
s licensed statutory auditors, our team can provide various auditing and review services.
There are several possible types of agreement. Comptabil-IT SA accreditation as an auditor means it can be appointed as external auditors of companies who are subject to limited controls. These companies must meet the following criteria:
- Company not quoted on the stock exchange
- Company which does not have outstanding bonds
- Company whose assets or revenue do not represent at least 20% of the assets or revenue of the consolidated accounts of another company of the group
- Company which is not required to prepare consolidated financial statements / accounts
- Company which has not exceeded for two financial years in a row two of the three following criteria:
- Balance sheet total:CHF 20 million
- Revenue: CHF 40 million
- Headcount: 250 FTEs (annual average)